My district does not allow baked goods from home, so I stopped by the store and picked up some Brownie Bites. These are just like they sound, a bite of brownie. They are super small and just the right size for a little treat.
My class was so excited to have finally filled up the brownie pan, they all went home talking about it that night. The next day, they were beside themselves with excitement to get brownies from the teacher. I gave everyone a Brownie Bite and then we recapped all the things we remembered doing to earn our brownie treats. The kids munched away happily as they recounted the good things we had done.
Some of the kids noticed that I had a few brownies left in the bowl and asked for seconds. I told them that I didn't have enough in this bowl for everyone to have seconds, but I did have more brownies is my bag. (Little did they know that I had a pun coming their way!) I just love stretching those little minds.
I reached into the bag and started handing out the brown E's. Everyone looked perplexed. (I loved it!)
"Mrs. Irick, what are these?" started echoing around the room.
"They are brown E's," I said.
"No they're NOT!" exclaimed the most adamant of my kiddos.
"Of course they are," I answered. "OK. What color are they?" I asked.
"Brown," they answered.
"And... what letter are they?" I continued.
"E," they replied. It was then that many of the kids had that lightbulb moment. I saw small grins begin to form. Little heads started nodding with understanding.
"Oh! I get it!" said a few. "They are brown and they are an E, so they are brown E's!" Now I had the whole group giggling and asking if they could take the brown E's home to their parents. "Of course!" I said.
Lots of fun- and hopefully a kindergarten moment they will remember.
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