Friday, August 22, 2014

What? {Linky Party}

Well, it's Day 5 in the Linky Party and today's question is: What do you like to teach?

I love to teach math.  I want my kids to be problem solvers.  I have made a whole set of logic games to help them reason through a situation.  These games have worksheets that can be used whole group, as seatwork, or as homework.  Then my logic puzzles also games that are perfect for a math tub or as a center activity.  I have 6 different puzzles that range in complexity.   Begin with the simple ones to help kids gain confidence and skill as problem solvers, then move into the more complex puzzles as the year (and their skill) progresses.  Even though these are the same type of puzzles and you only have to train the kids once on how to do them, the themes of the puzzles are so different that the kids think it's whole different center!  The novelty factor is there, so they think you are a rock star when you put a different one in the center.

In kindergarten we do a daily opening routine, which includes the calendar, number of the day, weather observation and graphing, place value, attendance, patterning, days of the week, shapes, and so much more.  To enhance the basic calendar activities, I have created a Calendar Companion unit.  I found that I needed more resources to have a comprehensive opening calendar routine.

Another set of great math activities that I LOVE are my Deck of Cards units.  I have one for Kindergarten and one for First grade.  They cover a HUGE amount of Common Core Standards and the kids love them because they get to use a standard deck of playing cards to complete the different activities.  Each activity can be printed and put in a page protector so the kids can write and wipe.   I have them complete the activity and put it in a bin so that I can check it at the end of the day to see if they are understanding the concept or not.  After I check it, I just wipe it clean and it’s ready to go for tomorrow’s group of kids.  Super easy!

Well, that's it for this week.  Thanks for linking up with me!  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

When? {Linky Party}

Today's question is...When do you do things?

School doesn’t start until the day after Labor Day so I don’t know exactly what my schedule will be yet.  So, here is a peek at last year’s schedule.

9:05-9:45 Calendar and Math
9:45-11:05 Pathways Plus
(Reading Groups, Phonemic Awareness,
PE, Computer Lab, Music Keyboards, Word Work)
11:10-11:30 Snack and Recess
11:30-12:20 Writers Workshop
12:20-1:10 Lunch and Recess
1:10-2:30 Rotations
(Math, Science, Social Studies, Writing, Literature)
2:45-2:50 Clean Up and Daily News
2:50 Dismissal

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why? {Linky Party}

Today's topic is organization.  Here is my secret to staying organized...BINDERS!
 I’m all about binders!  Well, binders and page protectors to be more specific. 

I can organize materials and access them quickly by using a binder system.  The blacklines are literally at my fingertips!  I have things organized by time of the year, by activity, by subject, etc.  And the best part is- they store neatly in a cupboard!  

I started my binder system last year and I love it!   I used to have everything in filing cabinets, but classroom space is valuable in a kindergarten classroom.  I am moving all of my blacklines to binders and just keeping one or two filing cabinets for the project samples and supplies that go with each project.    My goal for the year is to get those space hogging filing cabinets cleaned out and moved out.  Ask me in June how that went.

Happy Wednesday! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Where? {Linky Party}

Well, to answer that question...  I teach in a relatively small district just outside of San Diego.  We have three elementary schools, one middle school, one alternative education school, and one all kindergarten school.  That’s where I teach!  All the kids in our district start at my school for kindergarten and then branch out to their neighborhood school for first through fifth grades.  Then they meet up again for middle school.  That design really fosters community.

Here is a peek into my classroom.

Teaching at an all kindergarten school has its advantages.  I am able to collaborate daily with the other K teachers in my district because we are all in one spot.  We share great ideas, direct each other to fabulous TpT products, help with tricky kids, bounce ideas and problems off one another, and work together on great visual and performing arts programs.  (Each class does at least two programs a year.)

All of the things that happen at my school are directly related to kindergarten.  We have an innovative Pathways Plus program where the kids rotate through 6 different stations.  Every day they meet with their reading teacher (one of the kindergarten teachers) and get 20 minutes of small group instruction at their reading level.  Then they go to the Phonemic Awareness Room with an instructional aide.  This is whole group and involves a lot of music and movement.  Then they rotate to two of the following: Word Work, SPARKS PE, the Computer Lab, or the Music Lab.  Our Pathways Plus program is groundbreaking and very effective.  I love working at such an innovative school.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Who? {Linky Party}

Who am I?  (You can peruse my blog to get a better idea, but here it is in a nutshell.)

I’m a kindergarten teacher who has been teaching for over 20 years

who will be turning 50 this year (yikes!)

who loves teaching (the kids make me laugh every day)

who loves camping and scrapbooking (we just sold our trailer and I don’t tent camp anymore, so camping is over for a while)

who has a HUGE sweet tooth (as evidenced by my not-so-skinny figure)

who wants more minutes in the day to get everything done (don’t we all want that?)

who is grateful for her life and the people in it (my friends and family mean everything to me)

who loves coming home each day to my happy Corgis (the one on the couch shows how I feel at the end of each day)

who loves to sail and spend time at the beach (during the summers I go to the beach every Wednesday- lucky me!!)

who is committed to blogging a lot this year!
Grab my button and spend some time with me!

Happy Monday!

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