Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Where? {Linky Party}

Well, to answer that question...  I teach in a relatively small district just outside of San Diego.  We have three elementary schools, one middle school, one alternative education school, and one all kindergarten school.  That’s where I teach!  All the kids in our district start at my school for kindergarten and then branch out to their neighborhood school for first through fifth grades.  Then they meet up again for middle school.  That design really fosters community.

Here is a peek into my classroom.

Teaching at an all kindergarten school has its advantages.  I am able to collaborate daily with the other K teachers in my district because we are all in one spot.  We share great ideas, direct each other to fabulous TpT products, help with tricky kids, bounce ideas and problems off one another, and work together on great visual and performing arts programs.  (Each class does at least two programs a year.)

All of the things that happen at my school are directly related to kindergarten.  We have an innovative Pathways Plus program where the kids rotate through 6 different stations.  Every day they meet with their reading teacher (one of the kindergarten teachers) and get 20 minutes of small group instruction at their reading level.  Then they go to the Phonemic Awareness Room with an instructional aide.  This is whole group and involves a lot of music and movement.  Then they rotate to two of the following: Word Work, SPARKS PE, the Computer Lab, or the Music Lab.  Our Pathways Plus program is groundbreaking and very effective.  I love working at such an innovative school.

Happy Tuesday!


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