Monday, August 18, 2014

Who? {Linky Party}

Who am I?  (You can peruse my blog to get a better idea, but here it is in a nutshell.)

I’m a kindergarten teacher who has been teaching for over 20 years

who will be turning 50 this year (yikes!)

who loves teaching (the kids make me laugh every day)

who loves camping and scrapbooking (we just sold our trailer and I don’t tent camp anymore, so camping is over for a while)

who has a HUGE sweet tooth (as evidenced by my not-so-skinny figure)

who wants more minutes in the day to get everything done (don’t we all want that?)

who is grateful for her life and the people in it (my friends and family mean everything to me)

who loves coming home each day to my happy Corgis (the one on the couch shows how I feel at the end of each day)

who loves to sail and spend time at the beach (during the summers I go to the beach every Wednesday- lucky me!!)

who is committed to blogging a lot this year!
Grab my button and spend some time with me!

Happy Monday!


  1. Oh my goodness, that little pup is ADORABLE. <3 Love your blog tagline, btw. Happpy I was able to "meet you" through Blog Hoppin'. =]

  2. Cheryl, what a cute family & doggie you have! Hope you have a wonderful year in K!!
    Elyse ;)
    Proud to be Primary

    1. Thank you Elyse. I hope you have a wonderful year too!

  3. I was just saying today how there needs to be more hours in the day! It is impossible to get it all done! 20 years in teaching? A big congrats there and well done - that is awesome! Kinders are hilarious and I am sure you have tons of stories!

    1. Some days I would be happy with just 20 more minutes. :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love that picture of your Corgi - so sweet! Over 20 years is very impressive!
    Growing Little Learners

    1. Love, love, love my corgis- best dogs ever! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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