Saturday, February 4, 2017

Pajama Day Fun

It was just Pajama Day at my school.  Parents love this day because they don't have to hassle with their kids over what to wear.  It also gives them a few extra minutes to sleep in.  I personally don't like teaching in my pajamas, but a teacher's gotta do what a teacher's gotta do- so jammies it is!

We started our morning with yoga stretches.  The kids had so much fun that we decided to begin every Friday morning with yoga stretching.

Later in the day, we tasted popcorn and graphed the results.  To keep the activity interesting, I went to a local popcorn shop and got 4 different brightly colored popcorn that would be new flavors for the kids.  They were intrigued to say the least.

For this activity, I put the popcorn on plates for my table groups to share.  We started by choosing a color and tasting ONE piece.  The kids guessed at the flavor and then we did a drumroll on our desktops before finding out what the flavor REALLY was.  After they knew the real flavor, they tasted it again.  It's surprising how thinking what it might taste like versus knowing what it should taste like makes it taste differently.  We did this for each color/flavor and the kids had a blast!

We finished our tasting activity with a graph.  

It was a positively perfect popcorn party.


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