Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Currently March

Happy March 1st everyone!
I'm linking up with Farley for her fun and always entertaining Currently.
So, here's what's currently happening with me...

It's another beautiful day here in Southern California and I've just gotten home from work and I'm listening to the birds chirping in the trees and the neighborhood kids playing outside.  Life is good.

I'm loving the warm weather.  February was the warmest month on record here in San Diego.
We were bracing for the dreaded El Nino but so far, we've only had a few days of really heavy rains, the rest of the time has been sunny and unseasonably warm.  

About money.  Enough said.

I want to win the lottery so I can stop worrying about money.  We aren't poor by any means, but it would be so nice to not have to worry about money and to just live life without that worry.

I need a personal trainer to help me get in shape.  I won't do it on my own (not enough time or motivation).  I also need a personal chef to make me healthy meals.  (Once again, winning the lottery would help out.)

Polling Site
My school isn't a polling site but my neighborhood school is.  I love to go there on voting days to cast my vote- I feel connected to history when I go there.  When my kids were young I never worried about all the strangers there voting, and I still don't.  At the school, the kids are in one area and the voters are totally separate.  It works out just fine.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I feel like I could have written your Currently. Your Loving, Thinking, Wanting, and Needing could all be mine too. I totally get it. Good luck on the lottery thing! :D

  2. Loved your post. You are funny! San Diego is probably my favorite place to visit. It's one place I would LOVE to move to. I so understand your comment about not having enough time or motivation to work out. I'm totally the same way. I always have good intentions, but when it gets right down to it I'm too darn tired at the end of the day.

  3. Your site is adorable. I think the hummingbird quote about kindergarten is terrific... I will have to share that with our K teachers. They will love it!


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