Saturday, January 2, 2016

Currently January 2016

Wow, It's a new year!  2015 went by in a blink of an eye.

I'm excited to be linking up with Farley and to catch up with all my blogging buddies to see what everyone is CURRENTLY doing.

My oldest daughter Lauren spent the last 4 months studying abroad in Germany.  She had a fantastic time and got to travel to many different cities on her wish list.  I'm so enjoying hearing about her travels.  She studied at the University in Luneberg but got to visit Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Prague, Salzburg, Amsterdam, Paris and Edinburgh.

She wasn't home for Christmas so I kept the tree up a bit longer than usual so that she could see it.  Now it's time to take all the decorations down and put everything away for next year.  Why do I dread doing this?  Maybe because it signals the end of the holiday and I'm never ready for the holiday to end.  I'm determined that the stuff will be put away TODAY (right after I finish blogging)- LOL.

One thing I definitely need is a Personal Assistant.  Someone who can help me take care of all the little things every day (like grocery shopping, cooking, prepping materials for my classroom, etc,).
I always say that if I won the lottery (you have to play to win so that will never happen) I would hire a Personal Assistant to make life easier.

I'm getting a whole new group of kids in January so I've spent a good portion of my vacation prepping for that.  I've had to change the names on everything in my classroom and get ready for a new group of TKers.  It's exciting to wonder about all the new little kiddos that will be walking through my doorway next Monday.  

My little word for the year is ENJOY.  
Don't take anything for granted.  
Take a moment to reflect each day on something good that has happened.
Enjoy life.

Happy 2016 everyone!


  1. Hi! I started taking down my Christmas decorations today. I'm about ready to give up - not fun. Best of luck with the new group of kids.
    Happy New Year!

    1. My new group of kids are wonderful! Such fun personalities and such cute little faces. It's going to be a great 6 months. #lovemyjob (Hope you didn't give up on the decorations- so glad they are put away)

  2. My husband always motivates me to get the Christmas decorations down. I'd be likely to procrastinate. Your daughter's time in Germany sounds amazing. I'm glad you get to spend some time with her and hear all the stories. Happy New Year.
    Laughter and Consistency

  3. I once left my tree up until February....and justified it to myself because it had lots of heart-shaped ornaments on it! Sending energy and enthusiasm your way so that you can get the job done and be ready for Monday!
    Stories and Songs in Second

    1. My tree is down and put away. Just wondering if you are keeping yours up longer (like February) again. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. OH I could totally use a personal assistant!!! I'm guessing I will have decorations up in February, unless my husband motivates me to get them down sooner! LOL Putting them up is so fun, and taking them down not so much! ;-)

    The Craft of Teaching

    1. I agree. Taking the decorations down is way less fun than putting them up. Go figure.


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