Monday, November 2, 2015

Currently November

Can you believe that it's November already?
My youngest turns 17 this month.  Wow!

Here's what's current with me...

I'm listening to my dogs run and play.  They are Pembroke Welsh Corgis and the breed is the smallest  of the herding dogs.  They love to chase each other around the house and yard- but especially the house.

Lucy is the oldest.  She is the boss.

Headed outside.  Don't you love the corgi butts?

 Cooper.  He loves to get dressed up- no really, he does!

I'm loving my class this year.  I have 28 TK kiddos and they are all amazing kids.  Every day they make me laugh in some way.  They are kind, thoughtful, smart, funny, busy, inquisitive, talkative, friendly, and so much more.  
This is always the time of year when I realize that I've bonded with my kids, and they are no longer my students, but my kids.  I'm sad that I have to give them over to a new teacher in January.  They are part of our TK Dual Language Program and alas, I don't speak a second language (but they will soon).

I'm thinking about my upcoming trip to London and Paris over the Thanksgiving Break.  My oldest daughter is doing a semester abroad in Germany and she will meet us in Paris for a bit.  I've never been to Europe so I'm beyond excited.  I wish the trip was for a longer duration, but it is what it is.  I will just have to narrow my sightseeing list to something more manageable. (Can that be done??)

I'm wanting my toe to heal.  I broke my toe last week at school and I've been hobbling/crutching around campus.  It's such a drag.  I'm desperately hoping that it heals by my trip!

I'm needing to work on report cards but I've got to finish assessing first.  In kindergarten, each assessment is individual so they take forever!  I am learning a lot though and can use that to guide my planning.  Next weekend is my daughter's birthday and sadly, that will also be my major report card writing time. (I wish we were given time during the work week to get these done).

Yummy- Pumpkin Bread.  
I have a great recipe for pumpkin bread that I will share with you.  It's moist and oh so delicious.  I'm not a big fan of other pumpkin breads, but this one I can't get enough of.  I hope you like it!

Thanks for stopping by!  


  1. LONDON AND PARIS...I could only dream about going. Wow, what a fabulous opportunity! I hop your toe is healed for your European adventure. I hope you share your photos of your trip. Love Cooper in the shades.

  2. Your dogs are adorable!! WOW on London and Paris-that would be awesome! Sorry to hear about your toe. I hope it heals up before your trip. Kristi Teaching Little Miracles


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