Saturday, October 3, 2015

Currently- October 2015

It's a new month so I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade for her fun Currently Linky Party.

So, here's what's currently happening with me...

Yes, it's October and yes, that usually means cooler weather, but not for San Diego.  We have had very hot weather all September and October is usually hot too.  I'm ready to put my flip flops in the closet and get my boots out of their boxes.  I'm wanting cooler weather and the whole state needs the rain to come. 

I'm busy thinking about London and Paris because my sister and I are going there over Thanksgiving break.  I've never been to Europe before so I'm super excited!  We are going because my oldest daughter is doing a semester abroad in Germany and she will be meeting us in Paris for Thanksgiving.  I'm loving reading her travel blog and can't wait to be an entry in it.

I'm in desperate need of a good haircut and will definitely get one before my trip.

Thanks for stopping by!  Click on the link below to go back to the linky party.


  1. You are going to LOVE London and Paris! I have been to both and they are incredible-have so much fun on your trip!

    Stomping Through First

  2. So jealous that you are going to London!!! That is on my bucket list. I am vacationing around Thanksgiving too and I am going to Las Vegas with my boyfriend.


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