Saturday, October 31, 2015

A sweet get well gift from a student

I broke my toe this week and one of my sweet students made me this get well bag. It has everything a teacher needs to...
Posted by Kinder Irick on Friday, October 30, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Oh Snap! It's Almost November!

Oh Snap! It's Almost November!

It feels like it October just started, but when you look at the calendar, November is right around the corner so it's time to start planning.

I'm linking up today with the bloggers over at Teacher Deals and Dollar Steals for their fabulous monthly linky party.  I don't know about you, but I absolutely LOVE that blog.  It's a great place to get deals on some wonderful products.

Thinking ahead to November, here is one of my favorite bulletin boards.  It's my TURKEY GLYPH.
If you don't know what a glyph is, it's a pictorial way to collect and organize data

Kids answer questions and based upon those answers they build a turkey. The turkeys come out really cute and they make a beautiful bulletin board.  We like to decorate the front office with ours.  All the parents who come into the office get a chuckle from the signs the turkeys are holding.

The Turkey Glyph contains:
 directions and black line masters for making the turkeys, a glyph key, a glyph book, a poem, a literacy center idea, a data collection sheet, and photos of completed turkeys.


I also have a fun Turkey Tail Patterning activity.  

In this activity, kids use pattern blocks to make a circular pattern around the turkey tail.  Then they glue the turkey body on top and add the beak, eyes and legs.  This also looks great on the wall and covers so many skills.  Kids have a lot of practice making patterns in a straight line, but can they transfer that knowledge to a circular shape?  You will be surprised at how this simple activity really stretches their thinking.

Aren't these cute?
Grab them now and get ready for November.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Removing Permanent Marker

Each year I label thing using a Sharpie marker.  I love Sharpies and use them all the time in my classroom.  But at the end of the year I need a way to remove the ink so that I can reuse the item again next year.

Here is my behavior pocket chart.  I have written all of the kids names on it with a black Sharpie.  There are a couple of ways to remove permanent marker from things.  I used to use nail polish remover.  That works fine, but sometimes I run out and have to stop mid project (and we all know how terrible that it).  So a friend of mine told me that dry erase markers will also remove permanent marker, so I thought I would give it a try.

Ta da!!  
Worked like a charm.

So there you go.  You can use a dry erase marker to remove permanent marker. 

Hope you find this little tip useful in your own classroom.
I'm here to help. (wink)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Currently- October 2015

It's a new month so I'm linking up with Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade for her fun Currently Linky Party.

So, here's what's currently happening with me...

Yes, it's October and yes, that usually means cooler weather, but not for San Diego.  We have had very hot weather all September and October is usually hot too.  I'm ready to put my flip flops in the closet and get my boots out of their boxes.  I'm wanting cooler weather and the whole state needs the rain to come. 

I'm busy thinking about London and Paris because my sister and I are going there over Thanksgiving break.  I've never been to Europe before so I'm super excited!  We are going because my oldest daughter is doing a semester abroad in Germany and she will be meeting us in Paris for Thanksgiving.  I'm loving reading her travel blog and can't wait to be an entry in it.

I'm in desperate need of a good haircut and will definitely get one before my trip.

Thanks for stopping by!  Click on the link below to go back to the linky party.

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