Saturday, September 26, 2015

Chicka Chicka Letter Exchange

Starting the year with a new group of kids is always a joy.  Most come in not knowing any letters and sounds, a few know some, and only a couple know them all.  We spend the first month introducing a letter each day along with a motion to touch on all the learning modalities; kinesthetic, auditory and visual.  We look super silly doing the motions, but it really helps the kids learn- so why not?  And besides, the kids LOVE it (even the ones who already know it all).

We are a few weeks into school now and I'm amazed at how much my kiddos have already picked up.    This year, I am taking part in the Chicka Chicka Letter Exchange with a group of teachers from all over the country.  This has been so much fun!  

My class was in charge of the letter W.  We used Q-tips to paint black dots on pink construction paper.  The dots became the watermelon seeds.  Then we used green crayon to make the rind.  After cutting them out, they look just like W watermelons!  Super cute!  

These are going in the mail today!

But the fun doesn't end there!  We are getting envelopes in the mail each day and the kids are beside themselves with anticipation to see what letter is inside and to learn where the letter came from.  They love the fact that other kindergartners made a letter just for us and that those same kids are getting our watermelon W's. 

Here is the first letter that we got... D!  We loved the dogs and dots on the D.

If you ever get the chance to participate in something like this- do it!


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