Monday, August 10, 2015

Teacher Deals and Dollar Steals- Portrait Templates

I'm blogging over at Teacher Deals and Dollar $teals today to bring you one of my top selling products for mere dollar!  If you don't know Teacher Deals and Dollar $teals yet,  we are a group of K-5 teachers that offer daily discounts and freebies on some of our best selling products.  Make sure to follow the Teacher Deals and Dollar $teals blog and Facebook so you won't miss out on any great deals.

So here is my DOLLAR STEAL for this month.

I'm putting my Portrait Templates on sale for the next 3 days.  These can be used by the kids as a base for a self-portrait.  I use these during the first week of school to have the kids draw a self-portrait.  I use these self-portraits as the cover for their writing folders.  At the end of the year, I give the kids another portrait template and they draw themselves again.  The difference in how they draw themselves between the beginning of the year and the end of they year is amazing!

I don't just use these at the beginning and end of the year, I give these to the kids to illustrate characters in the stories that we are reading.  They also use them to draw their family members as gifts for Mothers and Fathers Day presents.  I give them one of these to draw themselves as a writer and I slide this into the cover of their writing binder.

There are so many different uses for these...
I would love to hear how you use these in your classroom!  

And here is my FREEBIE for you.  

Simply print the eggs on card stock, laminate and cut them out, then place them in a center with a real spatula and small skillet (I use the plastic skillet from my housekeeping center).  The kids love to scoop the eggs with the spatula, place them in the pan to cook, say the word when it is finished cooking, then scoop it out of the pan and onto a plate to serve.  
I slid the recording sheet into a page protector and placed a thin dry erase marker at the center.  Kids write the word on the egg that they just cooked.  Now they are getting practice reading AND writing the sight words.  My kids LOVE this activity!!

Thanks for stopping by!
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