Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sight Word Practice

School is right around the corner for me and I'm thinking about fun ways to get my kids reading and writing.  I have a sight word Egg Flip activity that my kids just love but it only has ten sight words.  I have that activity in a center with a real frying pan and spatula and the kids have so much fun cooking up the eggs.  They practice reading the words and writing the words in this center.  You can grab it here for FREE!

I use the Egg Flip Sight Word Center at the beginning of the year.  But what to do when the kids master those ten words?  Hmmm...

Well, since the egg flip is so darn fun, I thought I might as well make a different flip activity with ALL of FRY's 100 sight words, so I made this adorable Sight Word Pancake Flip activity.  Click on the link or click on the photo to get this activity.

pancake flip sight word practice

The kids are doing essentially the same thing, but this looks different (and we all know how important novelty is for our little learners).  

In this center I have a real spatula, a sturdy paper plastic plate, the recording sheet in a page protector, a dry erase marker, and the pancakes.  That's everything you need for hours of fun!

Kids flip the pancakes (good fine motor development), read the sight words (reading practice), flip the pancake face down and write the sight word on the recording sheet (writing practice), flip the pancake right side up and check the spelling that they wrote (spelling practice), and then scoop the pancake onto the plate and grab a new sight word pancake and begin the process all over again.  Sounds so simple, but the kids are engaged and productive the entire time they are working at that center.  You can pair up two kids- a good reader and an emergent reader so the emergent reader has some support. Feel free to use all the words at once or add them as your readers are introduced to them- you are the teacher so you know what is best for your little learners.

Thanks for stopping by!  You can grab this (and all my products) on SALE TOMORROW and TpT's one day sale.  Don't forget to use the promo code MORE15 to add an extra 10% (I forgot to do that during the last sale- DUH.  I guess I was so excited with all my great purchases, when it came time to check out I COMPLETELY forgot.  Live and learn.  Don't make that mistake- every penny counts, especially at the beginning of the school year!  You can be certain that I won't forget the promo code this Wednesday!


  1. Thanks for the great ideas! I can't wait to get these ready for my kiddos. They are going to have so much fun!

  2. I love those sight word pancakes! And, you are so right, novelty is important with the little ones. Whatever it takes to keep them motivated! Thanks for sharing your ideas!

    Primarily Speaking

  3. Those pancakes are so awesome! I'll be starting up after school tutoring pretty soon and I think this would make a great center for them! I'll be checking those out! :-) Thank you for sharing!


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