Saturday, August 15, 2015

Oh Snap! It's Almost September!

Hi Everyone!

I'm linking up with my fun friends over at Teacher Deals and Dollar $teals for their great product linky party.

It's the middle of August and that means that September and a new school year are right around the corner for me.  I know that many of you have already started back and while you probably envy the teachers still on summer break, I envy you for getting the year off and running.  You've already lived through the first day of school butterflies, the criers (both kids and parents) and the runners (that's when I wish I had a clone), you've assessed your kids and now your year is settling into it's rhythm.  I'm thinking about all the things I need to do to get my room ready for the upcoming year. 

So here are a few of the things that I use to get my classroom ready.  

Here is my CALENDAR COMPANION.  It has lots of things to add value to your calendar wall.  It contains shape flashcards, lunch counts, student counts, tooth charts, number of the day, and worksheets for the kids to use as daily calendar work.  I slide them into page protectors and staple many of the pages right to my calendar bulletin board.  Dry erase markers wipe off easily.

perfect spacing when teaching young kids to writeAnother thing that I LOVE is my Spaghetti and Meatball Spaces.  This helps new writers with correct spacing.  We talk about how the letters need to be close together in a word, but not touching so they need a small spaghetti space. But the spaces between the words need bigger spaces, like the meatballs in the spaghetti.

I glue a brown pom pom to the end of a craft stick and the kids use those sticks to make the spaces between the words. I keep a small container of meatball spacers on my writing table and kids grab a stick if they need one.

don't use too much glue

Do your kids use too much glue?  Then this little chant is just what you need.  It is bundled with other helpful songs and chants that will make your day run smoothly.

There are line up chants, neat and tidy poems... it's filled with lots of helpful songs.  I have them stapled to different areas of the room.  I also put them in a Sub Binder so my subs can manage my kids easily without me.  The consistency is great for the kiddos as well.

Well, thanks for stopping by!  Just click on any of the photos to get the products that you are interested in.


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