Saturday, August 1, 2015

Currently this August

It's a new month and we know that the fabulous Farley hosts her very fun Currently, so here is what's going on CURRENTLY...

We just got back from a long road trip and each person in my family made a play list of songs.  Unfortunately, no one liked the songs on the other people's playlists so we abandoned the songs and started listening to podcasts.  Two of our favorites are This American Life, and 99% Invisible.  If you haven't listened to these podcasts, you really ought to give them a try.

 I'm loving the look on my girls faces after they raced down the rapids on kayaks.  They both love adventure- especially my oldest daughter Lauren.



Me, Mike and Juliet (and our river guide)

I'm thinking about our great vacation.  It was a family reunion of sorts.  My father in law celebrated a milestone birthday and we converged on the city of Durango for the weekend.  Family came from Seattle, Dallas, Austin and San Diego.  We had so much fun hanging out together.  One of the highlights of the trip was visiting Silverton and riding the train back to Durango.

Now that we've returned from a vacation (we haven't taken a vacation for a few years) my husband and I are longing for more.  We used to have a little travel trailer and even those small get-aways helped to rejuvenate our souls.  Now we are both dreaming of getting another camper... alas, it's only a dream, but it's fun to dream- right?

Our little camper- we miss you Kiwi!
Kiwi Trailer

You've heard this before and it remains true.  I NEED new flooring!
It has moved from the wanting category to the needing category. Sadly, this too must remain in the dreaming category for now.  
Maybe someday... {sigh}


I love the thought of this!  
I will try to do little things through out the year.  We have a small staff so I can personalize each RAK for each person.  (The ideas are already starting to flow).

Thanks for stopping by!  
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  1. Hi Cheryl! Your vacation looks amazing :) Your girls certainly are adventurous! I'm sure you provided them with so many wonderful memories from this trip. I also LOVE that you named your camper! I hope another one is in your future :) Happy August!

    The Starr Spangled Planner

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jillian! We are going to an RV show to "kick some tires" this weekend. I wish a new camper was in my near future, but I know I have a few years to wait. The good part about waiting is that each year the campers get more innovative so when we are ready to buy, it will ROCk!

  2. It looks like you are having a great time with the girls! I hope you have a great August and that you get your new flooring soon!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jill. With my oldest daughter away at college, it is rare that we all get together nowadays so this vacation with the entire family made my heart very happy.

  3. A vacation full of family is such a wonderful thing! It seems like a long time since we have done that as well (between my cancer treatments the last few years, and now both of my grownup 'kids' building houses, it has been a while!). It is definitely a great way to refresh the mind and soul, and get ready for a new school year! Enjoy the last of your summer!

    1. I appreciate your stopping by! I hope that your cancer treatments go well. I too am a cancer survivor so my thoughts and prayers are with you!


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