Friday, July 17, 2015

Five for Friday Summertime Fun

I'm linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching again for their fun Five for Friday Linky Party.

I'm wondering what everyone else has been doing with their summer time.
I myself have been INCREDIBLY lazy.  Time to get started on all those projects I was looking forward to tackling during the summer.  Can someone please help get me motivated?

Even though I've been lazy, I've been busy.  Yes, those two can be mutually exclusive.
Since I live just 8 miles from the Pacific Ocean, I make sure to get to the beach at least once a week.  Typically Wednesdays are my beach days, but if my friends can't make Wednesday, then any other day will do.  This week Monday worked out just fine.

I also try to do something around my beautiful city.  When you live somewhere you take it for granted, and I have to remember that people actually pay to vacation here, so I try to use my summer time to get out and see San Diego.

On Tuesdays the museums at Balboa Park are free to residents.  OK, that fits into my summertime budget (since not working equals no paycheck).  Well, as wonderful as free admission sounds, it does come with a price- CROWDS.  I'm not just talking moms in strollers and other city residents, I'm talking KIDS.  I think that every summer camp uses the Free Museum Tuesdays- I'm talking EVERY SUMMER CAMP!  So I tend to breeze through the museums quickly because I'm not a big fan of crowds.

Here is a photo of the outside of the museums.  As soon as I snapped it, a million (I might be exaggerating, but I don't think so) school kids came out of the museums to eat their lunches.  So picture it COMPLETELY full of bodies.    I thought, oh great, now the museum will be empty- WRONG.

Fun with friends.

My neighbor teaches art to children and adults and she hosts a weekly painting class.  I've been to quite a few of them and they are always a lot of fun.  Here I am with 3 of my besties and our finished floral paintings.  

What I love about these classes is that each of our paintings come out looking very different.  They truly reflect each of our personalities and styles.  So much fun!

My girls.

My last random thing for the week is how I spent last weekend.  My daughter plays lacrosse and her team competed in SummerStorm in Oceanside.

Here is a sequence of photos showing her scoring a goal.  Go Paige!

Have a great week.
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. So jealous of how close you live to the pacific ocean - it looks beautiful! No wonder you have been having some relaxation time! Fab photos of your daughter scoring!!

    Teaching Autism


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