Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Currently July 2015

I don't know about you, but I look forward to the start of a new month so I can see what everyone else is up to.  So,  here's my currently status this month...

So I'm listening to Apple's new streaming music called Apple Music.  
I like the mix the DJ plays and I love having access to literally ANY song in the world.  Love it!

I'm loving this summer vacation.  I've only been on break for a couple of weeks, but they seem to be slowly drifting by, which is heavenly.  It's a lazy, relaxed summer with nothing on my agenda except the things I want to put there.  So I go to the beach every Wednesday, the museums on Tuesdays, and leave the other days open for whatever I want.  What a glorious, lazy summer!  Just what I need.

I don't know about you, but I can't turn my teacher brain off during the summer time.  I don't know if that is a blessing or a curse, but I'll think of it as a blessing.  I can use my summertime to plan new things, organize my stuff, and get new ideas.  It's delightful!

I can't wait for Sunday's soccer match!  Go team USA!

I am needing to get my family together.  My oldest daughter is away at college and she chose to stay up there during the summer to work and earn money for her upcoming semester in Germany.  I'm proud of her choice to make money, but I was really looking forward to having her home for the summer.  The good news is that we have a family vacation planned and she'll be home for that- hooray!

All Stars
My kids are my ALL STARS.

Both of my girls play lacrosse and field hockey. (In high school and college)

Here is the link to the Currently Linky Party.  Hop on over and join in the fun.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your summer sounds amazing! It's perfect for relaxing and recharging. I'm super jealous that you have the option to go to the beach whenever you want. And your daughters are beautiful!!!

  2. I love that you have a beach day in your schedule! I need to do that :). ~Grade One Snapshots

  3. I love that you set aside two days in your week to do a specific activity! I need to do that otherwise all of my days will blend together and I will never get anything done! :( Continue to think of teacher brain as a blessing - our brains never stop thinking and working and reflecting. :) It's what makes us unique ... "those who can't teach, well, they just do." :)

    Take Me To Third Grade


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