Monday, June 29, 2015

My Favorite Quotes

I'm joining Monica from I Heart 3rd Grade in her summer linky party series.
I've been busy until now, so this is my first post in this party.  

What a fun place to start!  Quotes are so inspiring!

When asked to share my favorite quote, I can't do it, because I really have two.  The first is this:

That's really all I want for my own kids, for the kids in my class, for my friends, for my family, for the world really.  Wouldn't the world be a better place if we were all happy?

My second favorite quote is this:

I try to keep this one at the forefront of my thoughts, which is NOT easy when I'm dealing with rude or angry people.  But, I always think that they are the people who need to be treated with kindness the most.

Head on over to Monica's blog to see her quote (a great one- especially for us teachers!)

Click on the photo below to go to her page and read her favorite quote.


  1. I love your quote, I always wanted to see John Lennon.

    The Social Media Teacher

  2. Love your quotes!! Especially the first one!

  3. Hi Cheryl!

    I'm so happy that you were able to participate in my linky party! It is great having you join in the fun!

    Hopefully you'll be able to join in again and again throughout the summer!



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