Friday, June 26, 2015

Getting Organized this Summer

For me, summer time is all about doing things to rejuvenate my mind and body so that I can be ready to tackle teaching in the fall.  This is the summer of organization.  My plan is to spend a couple of days a week either organizing my classroom or my house and spend the other days enjoying my family and San Diego.

Here is a photo of my first Beach Wednesday of the summer.  

It is a tradition to meet friends at the beach every Wednesday.  We have a big group of friends and everyone is welcome to invite whomever they want to, so on any given Beach Wednesday, you never know who is going to be there.  It has been a tradition with my friends for as long as our kids were old enough to enjoy the beach.  Now most of our kids are in college and high school, so our beach days are more relaxed, but we still take our Boogie Boards into the water and enjoy the surf.  All my friends know that if it is Wednesday, they can find me at the beach.  

So, that's how I tackle my goal of relaxation and rejuvenation.  The ocean is good for the mind and body and friends are good for the soul.

My second goal of the summer is ORGANIZATION.
This one is not as fun, but will help keep my mind happy during the busy school year.

So, I have made some binders for each subject and month.   I have found that pulling a binder off the shelf, flipping through pages, taking out what I need, making copies and then replacing the masters in the binder is far EASIER and much FASTER than trying to find what I need in a messy filing cabinet.  Things stay neater and more organized in binders.  I LOVE MY BINDER SYSTEM!

Here are are my monthly binders.  You can get them FREE at my TpT store!  Just click on the link or the photo.  If you use them, I would love if you took a moment to leave feedback in my store.  And feel free to share the link with your friends!

I have also made some binders organized by subjects and themes.  I teach kindergarten so the subjects are appropriate for me, but if you think they would work for you, you can purchase them on my TpT store.  

If you purchase the binders and want a specific topic that I didn't include, please let me know and I can add what you want to my unit.

Happy organizing!


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