Thursday, April 2, 2015

Currently April

A new month means a new CURRENTLY.  I love seeing what everyone else is up to.
Here's what's going on with me currently...

It's 7:00 in the morning and the only ones up in the house are me and the dogs.  It's a beautiful spring day here in Southern California and I've got my computer on my lap and my coffee next to me on the table and I'm sitting in my back yard listening to the birds chirping in the trees.  Oh how I love Spring Break!

My plan for the day is to head to my classroom to organize some crates of teaching stuff that I've liberated from my garage and need to find a home for in my classroom.  I'm a teacher and therefor I'm a pack rat.  I hold on to everything that might be useful in my classroom some day and it has taken over my garage (literally).  So, I've decided to sort through everything and if I haven't used it in 2 years,  it's going in the trash.  Yep.  Gonna do it!  Headed out to my room shortly after completing this post.  It's going to be a HUGE undertaking but I'm looking forward to that feeling of having everything in its place and everything being useful.

I've been thinking a lot about family (always do around holidays) and I've got a huge hole in my heart right now.  I miss my mom and grandparents so much.  My grandparents were the kind of people that brought laughter and fun to any situation.  They were warm and fun loving people.  My mom was a kind and quieter soul who loved taking care of her family and seeing everyone together and happy.  She was the center of our family gatherings and her absence leaves a big void.  My sister and I have tried to step in and fill that void, but it's literally impossible.  So, as Easter approaches, I get more and more reminiscent of holidays past.

As for the wanting part- well, if you've read my Currently entries before, then you know I desperately want new flooring.  I want to get rid of this icky carpet and put in hardwood.  I've had new flooring on my wish list for quite some time now, but with one kid in college, one playing sports and no pay raises since I don't know when, it looks like new floors will remain on the wish list for at least another year- (so get used to seeing that in the wanting section.)

I need to get my office organized!  I've been using my laptop and chair in the family room as my office lately and my mess just spills out into that room now.  Time to get the office back in shape and use it as it's intended!  Another Spring Break chore that will get done!

My blog name comes from my twitter name.  Since I teach kindergarten and my last name is Irick, it was a natural fit.

Thanks for stopping by.  Be sure to leave a comment and I'll hop over to your blog to do the same.

Here's the link back to the party.


  1. We have only one week of spring break next week. I'm so ready.
    Happy April!
    Artistry of Education

  2. There's nothing like a calm, beautiful day with a coffee to kick off Spring Break! Enjoy yours!

  3. Soooooo jealous you get 2 weeks for Spring Break! Enjoy!
    Tales of Teaching in Heels

  4. Hi,

    Today I fist visit on your blog, I found your blog on bloglovin, you blog is very attractive...Now this is a great week hope you also enjoying Spring..

    Mohd Arif


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