Wednesday, March 4, 2015

No Children Were Harmed in the Making of This Graph

I went to a lot of really great presentations at the SCKC and I came away with a lot of great ideas.  The conference was only a few days ago, and I'm busy, busy, busy sifting through my handouts and making things for my classroom.

I think one of the most funny (and thought provoking) things I heard was from Vanessa Levin.  She mentioned a few times that, "none of the kids in her class were harmed in the making of this ___."  After laughing and nodding,  it caused me to step back and think, is it really the process or the product that is important?  Some of the time, a great product is the goal, but for the nitty gritty every day lessons, it's really the process that matters the most.

So, I spent Friday and Saturday at the conference, Sunday at Disneyland with my coworkers, then when I returned to my room on Monday, it was not only a new month (calendar change) but Dr. Seuss Day (green eggs and ham).  Talk about feeling unprepared for the day!  I had everything prepped ahead of time, but in the rush of starting the week, I couldn't find my cute Green Eggs and Ham graph!  Yikes!! So I had a parent whip this up as the eggs were cooking.

It isn't as pretty as my other one, but the kids don't care!  They were thrilled to taste green eggs and ham and to graph if they liked it or not.  It is hanging on my blackboard (yes, I still have one of those in my room) and tomorrow we will revisit it and discuss the data.  It's not pretty, but it got the job done!

I had to remind myself that the process in this case is more important than the product.  Thank you Vanessa Levin ( for reminding me of that! That is such an important thing to remember!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm following all the Vegas bound bloggers on the forum thread. I'd love to have you follow me back @ Super excited for Vegas!



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