Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Love/Hate Relationship with Tempra Paint

UUUGGGH... I hate tempra paint.  Don't get me wrong, I love giving my kids the opportunity to paint.

In fact, I have 2 easels right outside my door and paint smocks hanging on racks next to them, it's not the painting that I mind, it's the clean up.  I hate (yes, that's a strong word, but I mean it) hate cleaning paint cups and lids.  Brushes I don't mind so much- go figure.

I have figured out an easy way to keep my paint cup cleanup easy, I just line the cups with cheap sandwich size Ziploc bags.  When it's time to clean out that color of paint, I simply remove the top, pull the bag out, and drop it in the trash.  Easy peasy.

tempra paint tips

Then I look at the lid and groan.  I so hate cleaning all the nooks and crannies of dried on paint on the lids.  I've tried soaking them before scrubbing- still a pain.  I've tried scraping the dried paint first- still a pain.

I've been teaching kindergarten for WELL OVER 10 years now and I've yet to find a good method for cleaning those lids.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?  Please- I'm begging you!


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