Thursday, March 26, 2015


Remember how I said that I have a love/hate relationship with tempra paint?  Well, here is the love part.  Aren't these absolutely beautiful?

Cooperative group art project

art fund raiser project idea

school and classroom fundraiser art project idea

All You Need Is Love Heart Project

To make these I simply drew a heart on a large piece of construction paper.  This year I cut each heart into 6 pieces and then numbered each piece.  Every child chose a piece to work with and painted their little hearts out (ha ha).  When they were all done, I reassembled the hearts and then laminated them (because everything looks better laminated- am I right?)

These fantastic pieces of art will be auctioned off during our school's Spring Fling.  The proceeds go directly to our wonderful PTA.  I have them hanging in our classroom right now.  The kids are so proud of how they turned out.


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