Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I don't know what kind of staff you have, but mine is FANTASTIC!  No really, they are!  Not to brag, but every teacher is amazing.  I would put my own kids in any of their classrooms (really, I would!)  And to top it off, we all LIKE each other.  No really, we do!  We are all friends.  Isn't that kind of amazing?  I have worked at places where some people just tolerated other people because they work together.  I have worked at places where people are downright mean to their coworkers, but at my school- it's like Disneyland... it's really magical.

So, now for the reason for this post...

My staff had the opportunity to go to the SCKC in Pasadena.  Since we teach at an all Kindergarten school, all the teachers were encouraged to go.  All but one managed to make the trek to Pasadena (she had other commitments that weekend and opted to stay behind and hold down the fort- which was no small feat because our principal came along too!)

The conference was amazing.  We had such a great time in the sessions and one of the teachers even went with me to the Blogger's Bash dinner.  It was so much fun!  Since we were all the way in Pasadena and the conference ended on Saturday, we thought it would be fun to go to Disneyland on Sunday.  Not all of the teacher could make it due to other commitments, but a handful of us could... so off we went.  Our custodian and bilingual aide even drove up for the day!  See, I told you we ALL like each other!

Here are some photos of our day.

It was so much fun to hang out with the people that I work with away from the daily grind.  We laughed all day.  We ate tons of junk food.  We ran (walked really fast) from ride to ride to ride (just like little kids).  Did I say, we laughed all day?  I love my coworkers!  I wish everyone would have been able to come along to join in the fun.  Oh well, maybe next year.

As you can see, the wait times were amazing and we went on every ride in Disneyland that we wanted to (some we even rode twice).  It was a rainy day, so that helped with the crowds.

That was my staff's Disneyland adventure.  And yes, I realize how very lucky I am to work where I work and with whom I work.  And believe me... I appreciate every moment- from the big ones like a day at Disneyland, to the little things we all do for each other each day.  Life is good.


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