Friday, February 20, 2015

Taking Time for Yourself

I think it's important to recharge one's batteries every so often.  I know that if you are like me, you do things for everyone else and put yourself last. (I think most of us do that.)  I find that every so often, I need to get away with a few close friends for a weekend to laugh, relax and be creative.

Usually my friends and I bring all of our scrapbook stuff and spend the weekend getting caught up on our family albums.  It's fun to relive the events as we scrapbook them and to talk about them with each other.  We also share scrapbooks doodads, papers and whatnots with each other, so it's like having a whole scrapbook store right at your fingertips. (And boy do we have a lot of stuff!)

Well, this trip I decided to leave my photos behind and bring along my paints instead.  It was fun having a new medium there for everyone to try out if they wanted to.  Here are a few of my paintings from the weekend.  I hope they inspire you to get creative and do something that recharges your batteries.

Big Sur, California

 Cabrillo Lighthouse, San Diego

Kiluaea Lighthouse, Kauai


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