Sunday, February 1, 2015

Currently in February

Hi Everyone,

I'm linking up with the fabulous Farley for her fun Currently Linky Party.

Listening to my daughter's music.  She loves to listen to iTunes radio and to find new artists. She has great taste in new music and she finds great stuff for us to listen to.  If I named some of the bands she has discovered,  I'm sure that you wouldn't recognize any of them.  (Kids keep you young.)

Loving the mild Southern California winters.  We are in the middle of a drought, so I would love to have more rain (and snow in the mountains), but if it's not going to rain, I might as well enjoy the sunshine.  The best part about this great weather is that I get to wear my boots without getting wet.

Thinking about my upcoming birthday.  I'm turning 50 this year, and somehow that number is really hard for me to swallow.  30 was easy peasy...  40 was no big deal, but 50 is half of 100! I think I'll just have my birthday and try to not think about the number.  (Wink, wink- like that's possible.)

Wanting hardwood floors.  If you've read any of my past Currentlys then you have heard this before. I know that I sound like a broken record, but I desperately need to get rid of this yucky carpet.

Needing to exercise more.  It's not a New Year's Resolution, it's a cold plain fact.  I try to plan exercise into my day, but when I'm done teaching 23 energetic Kindergartners all day, then prepping and setting up my classroom for the next day, and then hopping in the car to drive home, I'm just plain BUSHED!  Some days I can rally and get my running shoes on, but some days I need to pick up my daughter from practice or stop by the grocery store.  After that- there is absolutely NO WAY that I will have enough energy left to do anything.  (That's what 50 feels like)

Pageant Title  Miss Workaholic 2014- I don't have enough energy to work out, but I still manage to do work on my computer all evening.  (Hmmm)

Thanks for stopping by!  Here's the link to head back to the party.


  1. My daughter is 6, so she mostly sings songs that she makes up. 23 kinders! Wow. That's a lot of little ones. I need to exercise more, too. I know it will give me more energy, but it's hard to get started. Have a great week!
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. I totally need to exercise more too! Seriously! I am experiencing some health problems that a little exercise and a little weight loss would really change! I didn't make a resolution either. My one word resolution was: Balance. So far, I am not winning that battle.

  3. I hope your hardwood dreams come true soon! We have hardwoods in our whole house, and it is shocking to us how much dog hair and dirt we sweep up on a daily basis. It grosses me out so much to think that if we had carpet that would all just get stuck in there and we wouldn't even know! Ick!

    Happy almost birthday! I'm glad you have a daughter to keep you young so you can feel "young 50" instead of "old 50"!

  4. I will be 46 this year. The years keep creeping by. I was just 29 yesterday and my kids were just born! I know how you feel!


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