Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Gingerbread Man Operetta

Giving kids time on a stage to perform is so important.  I do at least two programs every year.  This year my class will do three!  Our first program of the year is The Gingerbread Man.  We spend the month of December doing all things gingerbread related.  I scoured TpT for resources and every center was gingerbread related.  We read many different versions of the classic tale of the Gingerbread Man as well as some non-traditional versions.  My kids LOVED comparing and contrasting all the different stories.

Of course, one of the activities we did was to make our own gingerbread cookies.  And wouldn't you know it, someone opened the oven to soon and they ran away.  We had to chase them all over the school!

The crowning jewel in our gingerbread unit is our play.   The we had our dress rehearsal today and our performance is Friday.  After that, we will return to the classroom to build gingerbread houses with our families.  The kids are really looking forward to Friday.


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