Sunday, December 21, 2014

14 Things about 2014


Be more present.
For 2015 I want to practice mindfulness.  
I need to be present in the situations that happen and enjoy the small moments that make up life.

My grandmother was passed away this year.  She lived 98 wonderful years.  She traveled to every state in the United States in her motorhome.  She and my Pappy made sure to visit each state capital and send us grandkids a postcard from each place.  
She loved to laugh and she enjoyed life to the fullest.  Here she is pictured at Easter with her two sons.  As you can tell, they love to laugh as well and couldn't resist goofing around.  
Thanks for all the wonderful memories Gram, you are missed.

Here is my daughter Paige after she got the MVP award for field hockey.  
Paige is a great kid, with a solid work ethic and fun-loving personality.  
We are so proud of the smart, funny, kind, athletic person that she is and are grateful that her coaches and teammates recognized her in this way.

The products in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
I work very hard at creating great and useful products.  They usually stem from filling some need that I have.  It feels good to share them with other teachers.
(Of course I LOVE shopping on TpT as well)

I primarily use this blog to blog about my classroom.  But occasionally I will blog about personal stuff.  My favorite post is the one about avoiding chores.  I spent a fun afternoon with my sister painting pictures of our dogs.  We each have our own style, and the day was so fun, and the projects turned out so cute, that it is one of my favorite blog posts.

You can choose to live in the front row or the third row.

I got an Origami Owl lanyard.  I love it because I personalized the charms with ones that are meaningful to me.  I wear it every day at school and get so many compliments on it.  Click on the photo above to go to the Origami Owl website.  If you haven't heard about Origami Owl, read about how it started.  It's a very inspirational story.

Skinny jeans- they are a must with boots.


I love the Animal Fries and I get my Double Double protein style.  YUM!

Modern Family.  

I always go back to my favorite movie of all time...

It has so many funny parts and I can relate to the main character because don't we all have days where nothing seems to go the way that it should?
It reminds me that life is ever changing and you have to laugh at the not so great parts and embrace the changes.  It's all good.


I'm all about cute boots this season.  They dress up any outfit and are super comfy.
I'm hoarding boots (I currently have 4 pairs and probably will buy more).
Now I need some cute boot cuffs to accessorize.

Thanks for taking the time to read my Fourteen in 14!  I look forward to stopping by your blog as well.  Don't forget to leave a comment and I'll do the same!

Cheryl Irick


  1. Journey is an awesome word! That could definitely apply to this school year :)
    Love skinny jeans & boots, too! Happy New Year, Jen

  2. Oh my goodness... I LOVE that PIN! Modern Family is such an awesome show! :)


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