Monday, November 10, 2014

Veteran's Day

I always get thoughtful in the month of November because everybody posts things they are thankful for during the month.  I too reflect on all of the things I have to be thankful for and the things that I take for granted.  Life is good in the Irick house.  Everyone is healthy, we live in a nice neighborhood with great friends and neighbors, I love my job and work in a fantastic community with great kids and parents, my car is still hanging in there, etc, etc.

What I often forget to reflect on is how lucky I am to live in this great country.  We live just minutes away from Mexico, and while it is a great country as well, it is very different from the United States.  This stark contrast often gets me to thinking how lucky I was to be born in America.  I've always had stability and comfort living in America.  I know that I'm lucky- being middle class in America is a great thing.  But I need to give credit where credit is due- to the military.  Because of the soldiers who are willing to put their lives on the line for our country's values and beliefs,  my family and I live comfortable lives in a stable country.

Thank you military members and their families!  You sacrifice so much to defend our way of life.  You should be thanked every day, not just on Veteran's Day.

To help out the military spouses out there who also might be educators... I'm throwing a sale in my TpT store.  November 10-12 everything will be 10% off.  If you've had your eye on something or just want to's the time to head over.



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