Friday, November 28, 2014

Five for Friday

Hello there,
After a fun, food-filled, fantastic Thanksgiving Day spent with family and friends, I thought I would connect with all my blog buddies out there to share Thanksgiving good wishes with everyone.
I'm connecting with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another fun Five for Friday linky.

My guilty pleasure- Starbucks.  I usually like hot coffee, but it's been so hot here in Southern California that I needed a cold drink this week.  Poor me.. I know.  I'm always thankful for the great weather in San Diego- I've never had to shovel snow just to get to work- I'm super lucky!

Here's my tip to you as you begin to wrap your holiday presents...
Save the toilet paper or paper towel rolls and use them to keep your gift wrap from unrolling when you don't want it to.  Just cut a strip down the side and wrap the tube around the wrapping paper.  Works like a charm and costs nothing!

Super proud of my youngest daughter.  She was a captain on her JV field hockey team and she was awarded MVP for the season.  So proud of her efforts.  She is the first one the field and the last one off.  She has a great work ethic, a positive attitude and the skill and athleticism to make an all around great player.  BTW-This award was voted on by her teammates.  

Just got done framing and hanging a collection of birds that my family painted.  It was fun working together to create art for our home.  The pictures are hanging over our TV and they make me smile every time I glance up.  The best part is we have room for more.

The final thing I am thankful for this week was the opportunity to share in a major life event with my husband's family.  His uncle and cousins were in town for a half marathon.  While they were here, one of them got engaged!  Everyone was in on the secret except for Kaitlyn.  The proposal took place on the beach in front of the Hotel Del Coronado.  This photo was snapped by some strangers on the beach who realized what was happening and wanted to capture the moment for the happy couple.  What a magical moment!  Congratulations Kyle and Kaitlyn!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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