Sunday, November 2, 2014

Currently November

Well, its the start of a new month and that means it's time for the Currently linky party.  I look forward to blog hopping and seeing what everyone else is up to.  I always find a new blog to add to my Bloglovin' list.  Leave me a comment and I'll make sure to stop by your blog too!

Listening to the sound of rain.  In Southern California we don't get as much rain as we need and we are currently in a drought.  We Californians conserve water all year long and when extra measures are called for, we really feel the pinch.  I'm loving the sound of the rain, but I already see blue skies among the rain clouds so I fear the small rain showers will be over soon.  Does anyone know a good rain dance?

Loving this time of the year.  The weather is finally turning and I can break out some cool weather outfits.  I've been jealous of the posts I read where folks have been talking about wearing sweaters for a month now.  Although I'm super glad that I live in Southern California where our worst winter storms involve rain and the occasional hail.  No snow shovels for me.  No icy road to drive on.  I'm happy with the comparatively mild winters.  (And I know that I take the beautiful sunshine for granted).

Thinking about my family members who are no longer with us.  My mother passed a couple of years ago and my grandmother just passed this month.  Holidays are never the same with loved ones missing from the table.  Thank goodness for memories!

Wanting the new Apple Watch.  I'm a technology geek and I can't wait for the watch to be released.  My current watch is a solar powered EcoDrive and I've had it for at least ten years now.  I love it, but feel that it is time to get a new watch.  Plus, the Apple Watch keep track of fitness data.  Now that I'm almost fifty (yikes) I need to ramp up my fitness.  No more being lazy.

Needing more minutes in the day.  When did life get so busy???

And reading... no time for pleasure reading during the school year.  Is it summer yet?  Summer is when I catch up on my reading.  I have a stack of books next to my bed that grows all school year long and I happily tackle it during summer time.  I would read during the school year, but frankly, I'm just too tired.  I fall asleep within the first page or two and don't have the continuity that a good book calls for.

Thanks for reading my Currently post this month.  Hop on over to Farley's blog to see what everyone else is Currently doing.


  1. I am so with you with needing more minutes in a day. There just never seems to be enough time. But with the time of year we are going into I don't for see it slowing down much. We can hope though!


  2. I love this time of year too! The weather here is just beginning to cool down and it feels delicious.

  3. I love your quote at the top of your blog. So true about our kinder kiddos! I hope you guys get some more rain soon. Sorry I can't help with the rain dance =)

    Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel

  4. I noticed you're not currently reading anything, but if you are interested, Jodi Picoult is a fantastic writer. I can get absolutely lost in any of her books. Hope you find a good book soon!

  5. I also love listening to the sound of the rain. :)

    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award, here's the link on how to do it.

    Have a great day ahead!

    ♥ ♥ rachel ♥ ♥
    Teaching Melodies
    At the Other Side of Me


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