Friday, September 5, 2014

Five For Friday- First Week of School 2014

Well everyone, happy Friday!  TGIF!  I survived the first week of school, but I am EXHAUSTED!  If it is any consolation, my kids are just as tired- so that makes me feel better.  They are 5 years old after all and I’m... well, let’s just say that I’m older, so I feel MUCH better that I’m so tired. 

I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for the weekly Five for Friday party.  Yea!  Happy Friday!! 

 I have a great group of kids this 
year.  Here they are.  Pretty cute, huh?

I invite the parents to attend the first day and I have them complete the very first project with their child.  I take a photo of them with their child and I use that for my Memory Book and I also put it in my sub binder so that a substitute teacher can make sure that each child goes home with his/her parent at the end of the day.  The parents LOVE this idea.  They feel so much better knowing that the substitutes have a photo ID of them.

I'm not sure if I like my room arrangement this year.  It is very kid centered (because they all can see the docucam screen) but it is NOT teacher centered (because I can't fit through the tables).  I really like that all the kids can see the screen, but I need to walk around and help kids and the arrangement leaves a lot to be desired on that score.  I have bruises on my legs that are exactly the table height  and that isn't acceptable (and no, I'm not posting a picture of the bruises-you are welcome!).  What to do???  As soon as the dust settles and I find out how many kids I will have, I might be able to eliminate on of the tables.  Time will tell.  Stay tuned.

I LOVE my calendar wall.  It has so many skills/standards included and we cover them each and every day.  Some of the things are from my Calendar Companion unit.  I have a "calendar helper" whose job it is to help me with the calendar each morning.  

Here is a random thing...  my daughter's dog Cooper.  He is a corgi, a fluffy corgi to be exact. He is the most awesome dog ever!  He lets Paige dress him up and he seems to like it.  He's really pretty, really cuddly, really sweet, really people oriented, and did I say really pretty?  He's not very smart, as far as corgis go- they are very smart dogs.  Our other corgis were/are SUPER smart.  Cooper is well... Cooper is pretty.  I have had 5 corgis and he is by far my favorite lap dog. Pretty and sweet- not so smart, but we love him anyway.  Isn't he pretty?

My last random thing for this week is that I am so very thankful for is my sister.  She is my best friend, by kid's best friend, and my go-to person.  She came in to help me in my classroom this week.
SHE ROCKS!  I wish everyone could have a sister like mine.  She's holding our friend's corgi puppy BTW.  We do love our corgis!


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