Sunday, July 27, 2014

How Do You Spend Your Summer?

I always relish the first days of summer.   I cherish the fact that I don’t have to set my alarm, yet my hubby has to drag himself out of bed and get to the office.  I must admit, I do feel a little guilty, but then I think how hard I work during the school year and all those guilty feelings disappear.  (You teachers know what I’m talking about.)

I feel that summer is special- not to be squandered.  What to do?  How to best spend my time?  Well, one thing is a for sure…BEACH WEDNESDAYS!  Every Wednesday, my friends, coworkers, and former students know that my toes will be in the sand right by Tower 13 in Mission Beach, California.  Come join me!  Open invitation!

Okay, so besides Beach Wednesdays, what do I do?  We are going to pretend that housework, home improvement, and cleaning out closets didn’t happen (they did, but let’s pretend they don’t exist).  So, what else did I do?

I learned how to play the guitar.  Well, I’m working on it.  Not ready for the public yet, but my little Kinders might get an earful next year.  Could be fun.  I sing all the time with my kiddos but playing the guitar and singing at the same time will be a challenge.  Hopefully I will be up for it, but the best part about teaching Kindergarten is that those little guys love you and buy in to all that you throw at them.  No judgment.  I love them!

I also let my creative art side have a little fun.  My friend and neighbor, who is also a gifted artist, had some art classes this summer.  They were BYOB and fun.  The nights were warm, the wine was flowing, all the ladies laughed, AND we made some great art!  Best way to spend a summer evening!  Here’s a photo of my little bird.  He’s already framed and placed in my house.  I smile every time I walk past him because I remember the fun evening.

Oh yeah, I also did the mom thing.  My oldest daughter spent last year in the college dorm and this year she is moving into an apartment.  Will she be able to feed herself?  I’m sure the answer is yes, but just to be on the safe side, I am making her a recipe binder full of all of her favorites AND we are cooking each one together so I know she will be able to read the recipes.  (She’s an avid reader, but not an avid cook).   Her roommates are planning Sunday dinners together so she needs a few good recipes under her belt.   Here’s a photo of her binder.

And last but certainly not least, I went to the Teachers Pay Teachers conference in Las Vegas.  Loved meeting all of my TpT heros!  The conference was very informative and well worth the money.  Check out my products in my TpT store to see what I’m all about.

As summer winds down, I am beginning to focus on getting ready for next year.  I'm gathering materials, thinking about my room set up and organization, thinking about what changes I want to make for this year.  As much as I love the beginning of summer, I actually love this part as well.  I love teaching and starting a new school year is always a joy for me.

So, that was my summer.  What have you been up to? 


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