Sunday, September 8, 2013

A New Beginning

September is always exciting for me.  I love starting a new school year.  It is fun to meet my new little kiddos and their apprehensive parents.  On the first day I invite parents to join us for a shared parent/child activity and a short story.  Together the child and his/her parents will make a little person that looks just like the child.

After I snap a photo of the parents and their child with the little person they made together, I read a classic first day story... The Kissing Hand.  This story is sure to bring a tear to a few parent's eyes so when the story is done, I give each child a small Ziploc bag with a Hershey's kiss, a tissue, and a poem to give to their parents along with a kiss in the middle of their palm.  Then we send our parents on their way and begin our day bonding as a class.
This ensures a memorable first day for both the parents and the new students.

Like I said before, I love September and starting the journey with my new Kinders.  I hope all my other teacher friends had a nice start to their new year as well.


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