Sunday, May 5, 2013

Our Garden

It's springtime in San Diego and the weather is just perfect for gardening so I got my class outside one afternoon and we spent some time working on the area in front of our classroom.  Our first step was to pull the weeds.  This was perfect because we were studying plants in science so we got a chance to look at all of the parts of a plant.  We made sure to get the roots so those pesky weeds wouldn't grow back!

 I have lots of pairs of small kid-sized gardening gloves and little tools.  It's wonderful to see the kids working together deciding if a plant is a flower or a weed.  After we pulled the weeds everyone got a chance to plant at least one flower.

Here's a look at the completed garden.  Isn't it beautiful?  It is so wonderful to walk up to a colorful garden and the kids take such pride in it!


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