Monday, January 14, 2013

The Mitten

The Mitten

One of my favorite literature units is Jan Brett's The Mitten.  We can use it as a jumping off point for so many things.  We can learn more about the animals in the story.  We can talk about all the descriptive language in the story.  We can discuss the rich illustrations (which tell the story all by themselves).  We can read other Jan Brett books, like The Hat and compare them to The Mitten.

My kids love to paint on the easels, so I asked them to paint an animal to go into a giant mitten on our bulletin board.  As you can see, the kids were very creative and the animals turned out super cute.

Our next activity will be to act out the story of The Mitten.  I went to Jan Brett's site and downloaded beautiful masks for the kids to wear and I brought in a big flat sheet for us to use as a mitten.  This activity really helps them understand characters, setting and plot.


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