Friday, October 5, 2012

Valuable Learning Experiences

We are very busy in kindergarten.  Every moment is filled with teaching the core standards, but I have managed to incorporate developmentally appropriate activities into my afternoon rotations.  Every afternoon the kids rotate through 5 areas.  They meet with me for reading/writing/math/science or social studies activities (1), they work with a parent on a project relating to our unit of study (2), they work at their desk completing an activity to reinforce the day's lesson (3), they work on the iPods (4), and lastly, they go to a center (5).  These children chose to work with blocks to build a race track.  They collaborated and came up with a very intricate design then raced cars through the tunnel.  I was very impressed and wanted to share the creativity and cooperation that these kids exhibited.  I feel that activities like this are just as important as all of the other things we have going on in the classroom.


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