Thursday, May 14, 2015

Organizing Centers

I needed an easy way for my kids to grab a math or literacy tub and know right away if it is an independent activity or if they need to find a partner to work with, so I created these cute labels. 

Sometimes kids want to work alone and sometimes they feel like working with a friend, so all they need to do is pick a center that suits their preference.
I made two different sets.  One has cute apples and the other has adorable kid faces.  You choose the one that fits into your classroom decor.

All you need to do is print, laminate, and cut out. 

I like to velcro them to my tubs so that I can easily change them when I change the activity in the tub.
I also tape the labels to the bags that I store the center activity in so that I can quickly identify what bin to put the activity in when I'm changing out the centers.

Don't forget to leave me some feedback love if you like them.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Informational Writing with Kindergartners- Farm Animal Reports

Kindergartners love non-fiction text.  They LOVE learning about animals and can store many facts in their little brains.  They are like fact sponges.

The challenge is how to get all the knowledge from their little brains to the page.  My Farm Animal Report Unit will help with that!

Kindergartners can write reports.  Really!  They just need the structure and the scaffolding to do so.

I'm so pleased with how these reports turned out.  Writing them was so simple and the kids were guided through the process step by step.

Each animal had a Close Read passage and the kids loved underlining, highlighting, and drawing their notes.

To show you how cute my farm animal reports turned out this year,  I just picked one at random and took a photo of each page in the book.

I just love how the directed drawings of the animals turned out.  They look so cute on the page next to the report.

I have a TON of non-fiction books on different farm animals.  We read them ALL when we are studying about the farm and the kids love to find discrepancies among texts.  For instance, many texts say that pigs like to roll in mud, but in reality (as my kids have learned) pigs like to stay cool and prefer to go in clean water, but will resort to mud if that is the best available cooling source.

My kiddos also learned that cows are always female.   You might have already know that fact, but for city folk like us, that was news to most, if not ALL of my kids!   We routinely call all cattle "cows" and sadly, I'm no exception.

It's those fun little facts that spark kid's interest and those are the fact that they include in their reports.  My kids will be taking their reports home tomorrow and are so excited to share them with their parents.

This report was written by a different student, but I just love how the cow is peeking around the barn, so I had to take a picture to show you guys.  Such personality!

I hope you enjoy these as much as I have.  The kids are pretty proud of them too!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Saturday Swap

Hi Everyone!
It's Product Swap Saturday!

One of my fun "I Have.. Who Has?" games is featured on Bri's Knowledge Mobile Blog.  She tutors kids of all ages and tried out one of my "I Have... Who Has?" games with her kiddos.  Hop on over to her blog to read all about it and enter to win a copy of your own!

You can also find more versions of these fun and engaging games at my TpT store.  

Teachers Pay Teachers is having a Teacher Appreciation Sale in a couple of days, so now is a great time to add these games to your wishlist.  
I have them for CVC words,  Fry's lists,  Blends,  Long vowels, Rekenreks, Ten Frames,  Adding Ten More...
You get the picture!  I have them for all sorts of skills.  Go to my TpT store to take a look.  

All of my items will be on sale for 20% off.  You can use the code ThankYou and get an extra 10%!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Currently in May

I'm linking up with Farley for her fabulous and fun Currently Party again this month.  I look forward to this each month.  Here is what's currently happening with me...

It's a beautiful day today, and we have the windows open.  The breeze is blowing gently through the house and the sounds of birds are chirping outside is making this a fantastic morning.

I'm LOVING our new kayak.  It's a two man kayak and the whole family is having a blast using it.

I'm already thinking about the end of the year.  I'm busy working on memory books for my kiddos.  This has been a challenging but rewarding year.  The parents and kids have been a joy to work with.  I will certainly miss them!

Since I teach at an all kindergarten school and each year our jobs are in a precarious position that hinges on enrollment.   I'm not sure if I will be teaching straight kindergarten,  transitional kindergarten, or middle school.  Yes, I said middle school!  If there aren't enough kindergartners next year, there is a position waiting for one of our kindergarten teachers in the middle school.  It has happened before and it looks like it might happen again that one of us will be moved to the middle school.  EEK!  I hope and pray that it isn't me!

I'm needing my Apple Watch to arrive.  My husband ordered it at the stroke of midnight on the first night it was available and since I picked the most popular band, I'm waiting an extra month to have it shipped to me.  Dang it!

This summer I will be spending my Tuesday in the museums in Balboa Park (which are free to residents) and my Wednesday at the beach.  All my friends know where to find me on Wednesday and everyone is welcome to join me at the beach.  We always have a big crowd.  I am so looking forward to summer!

Thanks for stopping by and seeing what is currently happening with me.  I look forward to reading your comments!


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