Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holidays Around the World

Can I just say that I love Teachers Pay Teachers!  I purchased a "Holidays Around the World" unit from a fabulous teacher across the country.  Her blog is whattheteacherwants.  My kids are having so much fun learning about the holiday traditions in different countries.  We are busy comparing and contrasting our traditions to those in other countries.  We are making a craft to go with each country's tradition and putting it all into our "suitcase."  The back of the suitcase has a map of the world so the kids can see where each country is located.  We also have passports that get stamped as we visit each country.  December has never been so fun!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Buddy Readers

I work at an all kindergarten school so we don't get many opportunities to have older kids come to our class to read.  But once a month our district has minimum days at the other elementary sites and I have taken full advantage of that.  I invite former students and current student's siblings to come to my class to read to my kinders.  It is such a great experience for my budding readers to have other kids read to them.  I love seeing my former students and take such joy in their growth as readers.  It is hard to believe that this little one was in my class just last year and now she has the confidence to read to a group of students.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gingerbread Men

We read many different versions of The Gingerbread Man during the month of December.  We then made our own gingerbread cookies and baked them in the cafeteria's ovens.

The kids were really creative this year.  We had gingerbread ninjas, gingerbread cowboys, gingerbread hula dancers, gingerbread angels, gingerbread pirates, and of course the classic gingerbread boys and girls.

When the kids had found out that "somebody" peeked in the oven before the cookies were finished cooking and the cookies all ran away, they were concerned but thrilled at the same time.  They decided to make wanted posters and canvas the school looking for our run away cookies.  They were so happy when the cookies were located and returned to the classroom!

You can visit my TpT store to download the Wanted Poster!  Enjoy!

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